Reuters has a Twitter feed which is one of the best sources of information that I have seen - @reuters_iran.
Al Jazeerah/English reportedly is streaming video, much more than our western news organizations can, but their server must be swamped. I haven't yet been able to get on.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Reuters Feed from Iran
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/21/2009 08:17:00 AM
Labels: #Iranelection
Neda's Voice
Last night I joined the Facebook group - In Memory of Neda - which sprung up immediately after the videos started to circulate. Looking at the list of members this morning, it is the most diverse, international group I've ever been a part of of.
The mainstream media is still not reporting any details - I suppose because they are restricted from reporting on the ground and can't confirm the story. mentioned briefly videos of a young girl with blood flowing from her nose and mouth, said that she had "reportedly died," and that was it.
Neda was reportedly watching the demonstrations from the curb, with her father, when she was shot through the heart by a sniper (unconfirmed - this is what everyone is writing on Twitter). Why would a peaceful, innocent young woman be singled out? She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, not the chador required by Islamic law in Iran for women appearing in public. I suspect that was enough to make her a target. These young women, unrobed and demanding equal rights, are the leading edge of the "sea of green."I hope, eventually, when the chaos dies down and it can be "reliably" reported, that Neda will become the Tank Man (Tiananmen Square) of the Green Revolution. Her death should not be in vain.
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/21/2009 08:00:00 AM
Labels: #Iranelection
Twitter on the Barricades - Six Lessons Learned -
This weekend is my first true immersion in Twitter, and I find it's more useful to read the information coming out of Iran as a big swath of general sentiment....rather than taking each individual tweet at face value. I found myself wonder why being in the thick of the dialogue with individual protestors trading tips, locations, and warnings was so absolutely absorbing, since I'm not there, don't know any of the locations they're describing, and don't really know who is who, in terms of reliable information. This article, from today's New York Times, explores these same questions.
Twitter on the Barricades - Six Lessons Learned
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/21/2009 07:51:00 AM
Labels: #Iranelection
Morning in NY; Mid-Afternoon in Tehran
Dipping into the Twitter feed this morning, I'd say the overall tenor is less fraught, reaching still higher for moral authority and peaceful protest. There is also an overwhelming concern, which I didn't see yesterday, that the feed has been infiltrated by government agents.
Here are some highlights, 7:30am EDT:
pilotwomanf/tehran; "it will be in Vanak sq. Pple will be there at 4:30 pm,(after 30 mins) Tehran time. som1 called me and said it."
saitamaguy2002 Eyewitness: Special Forces are standing between Azadi Sq. and Emam Hossein Sq.; about 11 kms.
debbiezrm RT CAUTION: BLOCK all NEW users with NO or only VERY FEW followers! They are BASIJ!
oxfordgirl RT @persiankiwi: today the Gov is trying harder than ever b4 to hack our communications
iran_09: Iran is full of rumors - but the army is NOT on the streets - not against the people - no tanks yet –
mcaviglia: They have hacked GHALAM NEWs - website of MOUSAVI - Sea of Green will NEVER rest
Libertyfan44: Yesterday we voted for change. Today we fight for freedom. Tomorrow we will be FREE!!!!
koabal85: PLZ be careful, twitter full of gov agents joined yesterday, have few followesr and are spreading panic.
ranTweet @LiberT LiberT RT from Iran: "Iran isn't falling -- it's standing up"
karinaschneidrg RT frm Iran: Mousavi - Confirmed - calls for ALL the nation to stand on balconys TONIGHT and show support with 'Allah Akbar'
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/21/2009 07:51:00 AM
Labels: #Iranelection
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Her Name Was Neda...
Newsvine - Her Name Was Neda...
I can't bring myself to post a link to the videos (there are two, shot on cell phones from different angles). It's just too sad.
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/20/2009 09:54:00 PM
Labels: #Iranelection
The Battle is On: Sampling of the Twitter feed from the Streets of Tehran
legolas81: doctors/nurses wear red crescent/red cross symbol so news can see if you are attacked for being street medics
jkebeans: remove all street signs, so shipped-in forces will lose orientation
PatriotRose: Don't WET MASK WITH WATER-vinegar & Lemonjuice effective against teargas به ماسکهای جلوی دهنتون آبلیمو وسرکه بزنید. آب نزنید
pilotwoman: Her name was ندا (#Neda), which means voice or call in Farsi. She is the voice of the people, a call to freedom
D_chosen_one: Suggestion: Disorient Basij entering your neighborhood by painting over numbers and removing street signs.
muluap: go to German Embassy if wounded, set pressure on western embassies until they let you in. They are human, they will
soynicole: PLEASE RETWEET - Basij rounding up injured protesters at Hospitals. List of EMBASSIES taking in injured:
lauraluvscoffee RT GO BACK & DELETE PAST TWEETS that have Iranian usernames. Arrests have been made. Please ENSURE ALL SEE THIS
buzzard1964: Change your twitter location to Tehran and time zone to GMT +3.5. This helps shield & confuse security police
rarianrakista: Book on how to fight tanks and armed forces in urban areas.
iamtheyak: If you haven't yet, please change your profile location to Tehran & time zone to GMT+3:30, to help foil Iran govt spies
SecularnFree: Please only post CONFIRMED SOURCE information. The GOVT has placed misinformation on Twitter.
iran_09: Hospitals in Tehran are NOT safe. Basijis there, ppl disappearing.
Dlsale: LIST OF FAKE IRANIAN ACCOUNTS (Some working for Iran Gov't)
Magicspin: یک برده است که یکی از منتظر کسی که دیگری را به او آزاد است. A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.
bigbadblackwolf Deleting tweets does NOT remove them from search. Iranians should remove their name from their twitter profile
VivianBoroff: Basij R marking doors 2 attack later. Use oil/petrol 2 remove the mark frm your door.
RDUgirl: Iransource45 is an Iranian agent. If enough people block him, his count will be disabled.
Rezaliteit: Embassies accepting injured people: Finnish, German,British, Dutch, Norway, Belgian, Italian, Slovenian, Portuguese
Schteeboman: muluap look policemen in the face. Appeal to the heart of younger ones, some will change sides
pilotwomanRT: Look at the ppl personally confirming tank story, they are new arrivals, have between 20- 0 followers & want to scare you
pilotwomanRT: There comes in every struggle a moment that tips the balance. Death of Neda has shifted this battle to the side of the ppl
Demian888: Tehran, Iran, for every basiji, 11 free women and men should stand up
EmpiresCrumble: 4CHEM.BURNS:cool running h20, 20mins, rmve jwlry/clths near burn, cool wet cloth/towel, sterile wrap, rewash if need
theresefarmer: Mousavi - we have gone too far to stop now
SecularnFree: Neda looked at the camera then died - She was looking at us. FREE IRAN NOW
toddbober: Do not listen to those who tell you to take up the gun. Mousavi calls on Sea of Green not to be violent
flipngenius: Iranian military and police - turn on the basij. This girl should not have died.
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/20/2009 09:38:00 PM
Labels: #Iranelection
The Revolution as it's being tweeted...
It's nearly 6am in Tehran - Sunday morning is dawning, another day of protests awaits (I know this because my Twitter account is set to GMT +3.5, Location: Tehran).
I've been glued to Twitter all day - the Internet, mobile/wireless communication, and social media have all converged to bring about the maturing of the concept of democracy. It has always been an ideal, practiced by various populations, with varying degrees of success. Democracy is no longer an ideal, it's a reality. No government, anywhere, can hold back the tide of information in the hands of the people.
One of the fascinating things tonight is the reporting, on Twitter, of the death of a young woman named Neda. Neda means "voice" or "call" in Farsi, and she will clearly represent the voice and will of the Iranian people, putting a face to their cause. #neda is currently one of the highest ranked feeds on Twitter, and links to video of her death are available (I can't bring myself to post it here - simply too sad). She was young, beautiful, and gravely injured. In the brief clip that I saw, she looked directly into the camera and then died - heartbreaking. What I find amazing is that even as thousands of cries of her name reverberate across the ethernet, not a word has been reported on any of the major news Internet sites - at least, not that I can find. I am sitting here watching Christiane Amanpour do her wrapup on CNN, entitled "Blood on the streets of Iran." She is clearly the most authoritative voice reporting on television, yet Neda has not been mentioned.
Last week, I would have said that I prefer to read news on the Internet - because when I pick up a newspaper or listen to the radio, I'm seeing/hearing stories that are a day old - I read them hours before on the Internet. Twitter has blown Internet news right off the track. Of course, there will still be a need for thoughtful, well-researched, "professional" journalism. But when it comes to an event like this, the news cycle has suddenly gotten exponentially shorter.
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/20/2009 09:25:00 PM
Labels: #Iranelection
Gil Scott Heron: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Seems appropriate for today. The Revolution will not be Televised, but it will be Tweeted!
Praying for the safety of all the women in the streets of Tehran, standing tall and green, insisting on equality.
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/20/2009 10:59:00 AM
BBC Persia - Images of gunshots in the streets
Posted by
Liz Nealon
6/20/2009 10:03:00 AM
Labels: #Iranelection