I arrived in Seattle late last night, to participate in the Tallis Scholars Summer School at Seattle University. The Tallis Scholars are the premiere performing/recording group dedicated to Renaissance choral music. The theme of this year's program is "Music for the Sistine Chapel."
This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I applied last year, but was only wait-listed. This year, I applied and was accepted. A week of singing challenging choral music is so exciting - culminating in a performance (that will be recorded) on Friday night. I feel both very excited to start singing, and also a little nervous about whether I am good enough.
I will know very soon. Our first rehearsals start mid-afternoon, and go through 9:30 pm!
Click on the link below to see more about program.
Tallis Scholars Summer Schools, TSSS, Seattle, Peter Phillips, Tallis Scholars, Renaissance choral music
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