Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day Two Begins

Dateline: Seattle. Tallis Scholars Summer School
We’ve had a half hour warm-up followed by 2.5 hours of rehearsal, with just one short break. I didn’t realize that we are singing the Palestrina Mass in public on Tuesday night – no wonder we are rehearsing it with such intense focus! As of lunchtime, we have pretty much got the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Benedictus at the point where we are working on nuances. Incredible.

This is challenging me to the absolute limit of my talent, concentration and experience. We do not rehearse again until 2:30. The young ones have all headed off to start rehearsing in their “small groups.” I personally do not plan to talk again until 2:30, so I can rest my voice. My goal by the end of the day is to have formed one small group and picked some music. If I can get that far (plus survive further rehearsal and singing all the way through Compline at 10pm), I’ll call that a great first full day.

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